Kate is 4 years old going on 40. She is full of questions and curiosity and constantly surprises us with her large vocabulary (often quoting various animated movies). She is Daddy's mini me, which means she never tires of running, jumping and talking. She always wants to help and/or be in charge. Her favorite things are candy and stuffed animals. She hates to be separated from Emma.
Emma is our pink-tastic princess. Twirling, dressing up, singing and dancing are this girly-girl's favorite things. She is extremely polite and affectionate. She is Mommy's mini me, which means she is clumsy and easy going, and frequently gets lost in her own imagination. She will sit in bed acting out stories with her dolls long after Kate has fallen asleep. She loves to play "Mom & Sweetheart" with Kate, where they role-play and take turns being the mom or baby.
Holy Smack! How do I get in on that!?! What was this for?
I wish to comment, but I am speechless with envy.
Wow Kris...that's more a lot!! You must have been in heaven.
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