Friday, June 19, 2009

Little Mermaids

Every summer, Miss Kelly gives all the kids at school swim lessons. The first year is usually just about getting the kids comfortable in the water and dunking their heads and gradually works up from there.

Yesterday when I picked the girls up from school, Miss Kelly reported that they are officially swimming on their own. Now, I have to take her word for it, because we don't have a pool of our own, and when we go swimming at Grammy's pool, all they really want to do is crab walk around the edge of the pool. So we haven't actually witnessed any of this 'swimming on their own' first hand.

But we look forward to it!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Middle Names

Yesterday, Kate was asking me about middle names. She wanted to know her cousins' middle names. I wondered if she even knew her own middle name, so we talked about that for a while.

Katelyn Paige...

Emma Reese...

Then Kate says "I wish my middle name was Grandma Kathy".


Kate goes on to explain to me that Grammy is her first name, and Grandma Kathy is her middle name. Don't you know that, Mommy? You need to talk to Daddy. He knows.

Apparently I just got schooled by a four year old. At least she thinks so.

(this all started because Eric read stories on Monday night and Tuesday is book sharing day at school. The girls brought the books that Daddy read, which were gifts from Grammy on their very first Christmas when they were only 10 days old. This was all before we started calling her Grammy, so her inscription on the books says that they are from Grandma Kathy.)

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Many Uses of Toilet Paper

Yesterday, the girls were fighting over a toy and Kate ended up in tears. I referreed and got it resolved, and just after that, Kate decided she needed to go potty. I helped her get a wad of toilet paper so that she could do pat-pat, which she did...and then she used the same wad of toilet paper to wipe her tears with.

So then I made her ask Daddy to give her a kiss on the cheek.

Just kidding!

I washed her face, I promise.