There has been a battle going on in our household lately. Actually, its been building for quite a while....pretty much since the girls learned the word "no". We have a strong battle of wills brewing between me and Kate.
Kate is very intelligent, inquisitive, sensitive, energetic, well spoken, and has a great memory. She absolutely knows what she wants/likes/dislikes, doesn't mind sharing her opinion, and has her share of moxie. These are all wonderful things that I love about her. They make Kate, Kate. What parent wouldn't be proud of an adorable little smarty-pants daughter who speaks her mind? I admire those qualities. However, all these endearing traits work against me when I am locked in a battle of wills with that same 4-years-old-going-on-40 daughter. I mean, really? Where does she get this stubbornness from? Certainly not from me, right?
This is the part where my parents laugh hysterically and remind themselves that indeed, what goes around, comes around. I suppose you could say I was a willful child. Stubborn. Opinionated. I distinctly remember a heated argument with my Mom over my outfit and hairstyle for my kindergarten school photos. A
long, heated argument. At age 5. Over hair and fashion. Much to Mom's credit, she did not let me win that argument, and I wore the Dorothy Hamill hairdo with the burgundy corduroy jumper and white eyelet blouse that she sewed herself. I was less than pleased. However, the picture turned out adorable, if I do say so myself. Now that I am in a similar situation, I have a whole new appreciation of my parents and the importance of not caving and letting her get her way. Its exhausting already, and I have 9 years before she becomes a teenager.