Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Go Team USA!

The Olympics are very popular in our house. In fact, instead of being a World Ventures Widow, I am now an Olympics Widow. I made the terrible mistake of turning off the tv while we were getting the kids ready to leave the house, thus depriving Eric of precious seconds worth of viewing time. Thankfully, I was rescued by my favorite invention, the DVR. Each night, the Olympics air from 8pm-midnight, so eventually I shuffle off to bed by myself and hear Eric's muffled cheers as Michael Phelps wins another gold medal, knowing that he'll fill me in on the USA's wins and losses the next day. So, go Team USA! You're only here every 2 years and I can have my husband back when you're over.


Joy Boaz said...

Joy and I loved reading your blog. Your girls are awesome! I have to say that the Olympics are very addicting. We've been staying up way past our bed time. We love you guys and look forward to reading your blogs.

Aaron and Joy

Cheythefly said...

Wow! That is so cool. Thanks for doing the blog. I will love to keep up with the Touchet gang. Thanks for sharing and taking the time. I have to figure that stuff out someday.

Grandpa_Tom said...

This blog is so cool, now I can keep up with what you guys are doing. I may have to come to S.D. for the dance recital! I looked up when Mamma Mia! will be on DVD, no release date yet, but probably before Xmas, sounds like you will like it -

Love, Dad